
Articles > General Litigation

Title Description
INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR vs. EMPLOYEES LABELS AREN’T EVERYTHING – HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY DISTINGUISH YOUR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR FROM YOUR EMPLOYEES Businesses frequently seek to reduce overhead by reclassifying their “employees” as “independent contractors” or “consultants” with the intent of saving on taxes and other employee expenses. Unfortunately, saying it does not make it so. MORE>>

* These forms are not intended for execution, but rather are merely informational.

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. All information posted is general advice only, based upon the rules of NYS, and is not intended to be a substitute for personal legal advice. Although information provided here was accurate as of the date of posting, laws change frequently and rules in other jurisdictions may differ. Therefore, readers should not rely upon these postings but should consult an attorney to discuss their specific factual situation.

175 East Shore Road, Suite 270,  Great Neck, NY 11023  Phone: (516) 482-1186